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Hear from ourCycle and Stride groups

Your Trust, Rochdale

‘A.S’ turned up every Sunday morning for the TfGM cycling sessions, despite her suffering from hemiplegic migraines. The sessions were a big confidence booster and helped to achieve a positive mood whilst working towards a common goal of learning to ride, in a supportive social setting.

Group of people wearing high viz taking part in a cycling lesson

Wave Adventure

“I spent my entire life not knowing how to ride a bike. Now at age 50 I have learned to ride…and have even bought my own bike.”



“After two sessions I managed to learn to ride a bike competently. After four sessions I managed a 6.5 mile bike ride to Moses Gate. This is an unbelievable achievement for me.”


Group of young people wearing high viz cycling in a green area

“I started going to the men’s biking group about 6 months ago. The group has improved my riding skills so much. I was able to progress onto another project The Peak Connections leadership programme. My coaches were fantastic and patient. I now have the confidence to help lead bike groups thanks to WAVE Adventure who also helped me achieve the Mountain Bike Leader L2 course. I love helping others who are maybe less able or confident about riding to get on a push bike and try new things. It really does wonders for mental health and physical health.”


Group of young people outside of the wave adventures hub on bikes

South Manchester Scouts

“We have noticed an increase in the number of scout troops participating in cycling activities and an increase in the number of cycling badges awarded.

"We have noticed a considerable uplift in the number of people commuting to scouts by bicycles. One of our Duke of Edinburgh award groups is planning our first ever DofE expedition by bicycle in 2023. “

John Allerton - Group Scout Leader

Seashell Trust & Moston Brook

Cyclist riding an adapted cycle on a track

Seashell Trust

The Seashell Trust purchased adapted cycles for their specialist Learn to Ride track

Pupils and teachers stood with their bicycles after a training session

Moston Brook

Cycle training was provided to pupils at Moston Brook Primary School

Breeze, Rochdale

"Friendship, laughter and cake with a bit of cycling to get there!"


Group of people in helmets sat on a bridge after cycling

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