Publications and Downloads
Active Travel in Greater Manchester Annual Report
Read our full reports on active travel progress in Greater Manchester.
Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide
Technical street design guide for Greater Manchester setting the standard for how our streets and public spaces will look, feel and function in the years ahead.
Published in January 2024.
Walking and Cycling Index 2023
Formerly known as Bike Life, this is the UK's biggest ever study of walking, wheeling and cycling produced by Sustrans. Find out more about the walking and cycling index.
The Big Active Conversation
The Big Active Conversation was a series of stakeholder gatherings, hosted by TfGM and GM Moving partners. The gatherings brought people and partners across Greater Manchester together to share and explore progress, stories, challenges and expertise as we work together to make Greater Manchester a better place for everyone to walk, cycle, wheel and get around actively. The reports published after each event are available below to download and share.
GM active travel schemes completed or under construction (since June 2018)
A list of GM active travel schemes that have been completed since June 2018 or are now under construction (as at 5 November 2021)
GM schemes completed or under construction
GM active travel schemes completed or under construction since June 2018
Greater Manchester Interim Active Travel Design Guide
Published in March 2021.
Greater Manchester Interim Active Travel Design Guide
Change a Region to Change a Nation
Greater Manchester's Walking and Cycling investment plan
Published in January 2020.
Read Change a Region to Change a Nation
Technical note on CYCLOPS junctions
Published in July 2019.
The Bee Network
Greater Manchester's cycling and walking infrastructure proposal
Published in June 2018.
Read The Bee Network
Made to Move
15 steps to transform Greater Manchester, by changing the way we get around
Published in December 2017.