Near me
What's happening in my area?
Find out what's coming soon to your area!
Use the map below to zoom in on your area and find out what cycling and walking schemes are in development. Click on a scheme to find more information, key dates, visualisations of what it could look like and how you can have your say on proposals that affect you.
Map instructions and key
Keyboard users
To search: Tab to the search box for ‘search for a postcode or the name of your area’. Start typing to reveal suggested entries. You can select these with the arrow key and confirm with the enter key to re-zoom the map.
Text-based version: A listing of schemes and facilities is available by tabbing to this entry and using the enter key to jump to a text-based list of what’s happening in your area.
Map Filter: Tab to the buttons and toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.
Navigating the map: Tab through until you reach a selected map entry, then use the arrow keys to navigate around map entries and use the enter key to reveal the description for that map entry.
Mouse/smartphone users
To search: Select the search box in ‘Get a personalised map’. Start typing to reveal suggested entries. You can select these with mouse to re-zoom the map.
Text-based version:
Map Filter: Toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.
Navigating the map: Use the +/- buttons to zoom in and out, click and drag to move around the map. Select map features with a click or tap to bring up map information.
If using a smartphone: tap and drag with 2 fingers to move around the map. Pinch or open your fingers to zoom in and out. Select map features by tapping on them.
Map key
Active neighbourhood
Bridge, ramp or other structure
Cycle Hire Station
Cycle Hub
Cyclops Junction
Junction Improvement
Modal Filter
Open Cycle Parking
Park or Playground
Protected Junction
Train Station
Tram Station
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Transforming your neighbourhood
Across all 10 Greater Manchester boroughs, we're building the future.