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Bolton...It's your move!

Get walking, wheeling or cycling in Bolton

Rambling round Rivington Pike, cycling Moss Bank Park, a night at the Octagon. From history and heritage to breath-taking countryside, Bolton’s got so much to offer. 

Walking, cycling and wheeling is for everyone. And it’s quicker, cheaper and easier than you might think.  

Try out new cycling and walking routes

We’re building the UK's largest active travel network.  

1,800 miles of safe, traffic-free cycling and walking routes. More than 2,400 new, safer road crossings. All linking up to public transport so you can get even further.

Get planning!

It’s time to plan your route. You can leave the hard work to our journey planner. 

It’ll work out the best walking, wheeling or cycling route for you.  

And link you up with public transport if you want to go further. 

Learn to ride or fix your bike

Whatever you’re looking to learn, we’ve got a course to fit. 

Build your confidence. Learn for the first time. Ride together as a family. Mend a puncture or fix your brakes. You don’t even need to own a bike to get started. 

Person riding a bike on a cycle training course

Borrow a bike in Bolton

Want to try out a bike for free? It’s as easy as borrowing a book. Just pop down to your local bike library and take one out for a spin.  

Get in touch and get exploring: 

Make your move, together!

Want company? Joining a local walking or cycling group is a fun and friendly way to get active. Explore new places, meet new people and learn new skills. 

Get in touch with this Cycle and Stride group we’re working with in Bolton: 

  • Be The Change Youth Project - Be The Change runs weekly sports and fitness activities for young people aged between 12-24, including football, boxing, basketball and netball.

  • BELIEVE ACHIEVE CIC - Believe Achieve is a young people led youth organisation, which delivers a unique urbanised style of activities which engages young people in a proactive, positive way.

  • changing life directions/ Fit4Life Project Manager - A women-led charity dedicated to helping women in Bolton who face seemingly impossible barriers to find a way to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

  • Khidma Ladies - An all-inclusive group acting as a support network for ladies predominantly from diverse cultural communities aged 18-80 years old within the Rumworth ward of Bolton.

  • WAVE Adventure - 21 years working with disadvantaged communities enabling them to take part in walking, cycling and a range of other outdoor activities.

Boss the school run

Why walk, wheel or cycle to school? Come on, it's much more fun!  

And a great, stress-free start to the day: 

✔️ Get fit, get happy, enjoy quality time with the kids. 

✔️ No need to find parking. Just cruise up to the school gates. 

✔️ A traffic-free, reliable route that takes the same time, every time. 

✔️ Cleaner air at the school gates. 

We’re doing our bit through School Streets, cycle training for students and youth ambassador programmes. 

Why not plan your route and give it a trial run? 

High school students stood next to their bikes on a cycle lane

Looking for more ways to move?

If you’d like more info on walking, cycling or wheeling in Bolton there are some great resources to help:

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