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Scheme Oldham Town Centre - Market Place

Map instructions and key

The map shows one or more Bee network schemes in your area along with key information about the scheme.

Keyboard users

Map Filter: Tab to the buttons and toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.

Navigating the map: Tab through until you reach a selected map entry, then use the arrow keys to navigate around map entries and use the enter key to reveal the description for that map entry.

Mouse/smartphone users

Map Filter: Toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.

Navigating the map: Use the +/- buttons to zoom in and out, click and drag to move around the map. Select map features with a click or tap to bring up map information.

If using a smartphone: tap and drag with 2 fingers to move around the map. Pinch or open your fingers to zoom in and out. Select map features by tapping on them.

Map key

  • Active neighbourhood
  • Bridge, ramp or other structure
  • Crossing
  • Cycle Hire Station
  • Cycle Hub
  • Cyclops Junction
  • Football
  • Gym
  • Hospital
  • Junction Improvement
  • Library
  • Modal Filter
  • Open Cycle Parking
  • Park or Playground
  • Parklet
  • Protected Junction
  • School
  • Tennis
  • Train Station
  • Tram Station
Text version of map

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