Scheme Blackfriars Street
Blackfriars Street, Salford
Map instructions and key
The map shows one or more Bee network schemes in your area along with key information about the scheme.
Keyboard users
Map Filter: Tab to the buttons and toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.
Navigating the map: Tab through until you reach a selected map entry, then use the arrow keys to navigate around map entries and use the enter key to reveal the description for that map entry.
Mouse/smartphone users
Map Filter: Toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.
Navigating the map: Use the +/- buttons to zoom in and out, click and drag to move around the map. Select map features with a click or tap to bring up map information.
If using a smartphone: tap and drag with 2 fingers to move around the map. Pinch or open your fingers to zoom in and out. Select map features by tapping on them.
Map key
Active neighbourhood
Bridge, ramp or other structure
Cycle Hire Station
Cycle Hub
Cyclops Junction
Junction Improvement
Modal Filter
Open Cycle Parking
Park or Playground
Protected Junction
Train Station
Tram Station
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Scheme description
As part of Greater Manchester’s response to the COVID-19 emergency (EAT fund), a temporary scheme was implemented on Blackfriars Street which involved one-way traffic flow (northbound) and provision of protected space for walking and cycling (southbound). This gave the opportunity for Salford City Council to trial plans for access and movement in this part of the city. Following a successful bid to the Department for Transport's Active Travel Fund, this scheme on Blackfriars Street is now complete – with further plans for the wider walking and cycling network being developed. The scheme closely resembles the temporary scheme with the addition of providing protected space for cyclists in both directions. The scheme also introduces no loading at any time along the length of Blackfriars Street up to the city boundary and formalises a loading bay on Booth Street to accommodate loading activity required by the local businesses and residents.
More information
Visit Salford City Council's website.