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Scheme Talbot Road A56 Chester Road

Improved pedestrian and cycle infrastructure at the junctions of Talbot Rd with Great Stone Road and Chester Road.

Map instructions and key

The map shows one or more Bee network schemes in your area along with key information about the scheme.

Keyboard users

Map Filter: Tab to the buttons and toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.

Navigating the map: Tab through until you reach a selected map entry, then use the arrow keys to navigate around map entries and use the enter key to reveal the description for that map entry.

Mouse/smartphone users

Map Filter: Toggle the layers on and off using the buttons.

Navigating the map: Use the +/- buttons to zoom in and out, click and drag to move around the map. Select map features with a click or tap to bring up map information.

If using a smartphone: tap and drag with 2 fingers to move around the map. Pinch or open your fingers to zoom in and out. Select map features by tapping on them.

Map key

  • Active neighbourhood
  • Bridge, ramp or other structure
  • Crossing
  • Cycle Hire Station
  • Cycle Hub
  • Cyclops Junction
  • Football
  • Gym
  • Hospital
  • Junction Improvement
  • Library
  • Modal Filter
  • Open Cycle Parking
  • Park or Playground
  • Parklet
  • Protected Junction
  • School
  • Tennis
  • Train Station
  • Tram Station
Text version of map

Scheme description

This scheme will make it easier and safer for pedestrians and people on bikes to cross the junction at Talbot Rd, Great Stone Road and Chester Road, improving links in the area.

More information

Additional scheme details

Consultation with local residents and businesses took place between May-June 2021, and comments are being reviewed by the design team. This will be the opportunity for the proposals to be amended if needed to take comments on board. The detailed design will then be undertaken before proceeding to the construction stage.

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